Monday, May 21, 2012

In the united states and the United Kingdom only a third of cases doing with Domestic Violence are reported. United Kingdom is going through the same issue of Domestic Violence as United States, and the that other countries with less attention have lower cases in abusive relationships

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I've learned so far about Teenage Relationship abuse ( Domestic Violence ) that once the abusing part comes she or he stop hanging out with friends, get's mood swings, when there talking to him/her they blank out and don't really pay attention to that person. they also get unexplained scratches or bruises 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why did you choose your topic?

I choose Domestic Violence as my topic because that's an issue especially on relationships, the guy always ends up hitting the girl for no reason and some girls don't want to talk about what happens to her to anybody, and I think they should stop this. Girls don't need to be treated like this and get hit by a guy, especially from a guy that you love and been with for a while. Domestic Violence is not only in relationships it's also involved in other situations